Friday, April 22, 2011

Tweetly Deetly Deet!

Most folks who know me know that I am technologically inept. Well, maybe not completely inept, but way behind for my age. I think my computer skills peaked in 1999. I was probably the last person to jump on the Facebook bandwagon. Even my grandmother had a Facebook before I did. (True story.)

I have no desire for all the high-tech toys and gadgetry. I don't have a smart phone. In fact, my phone is probably mildly retarded. I have only two requirements when buying a new cell phone: that it flips open and that it doesn't have too glossy a finish. (I have this neurotic hang-up about smudges and fingerprints.) I thought my phone had an app, but I'm told it's just a gif. I don't know exactly what that means.

I'm still learning to use i-tunes and burn CDs for my old hand-me-down iPod that I got from Nathan. It's one of the old blocky-looking white ones. Nowadays, I can't tell people's iPods from their phones, and I certainly can't understand for the life of me why everyone wants touchscreens! Smudges! Ewww!

Really, I'm pretty impressed that I got this blog up and running all by myself.

With all that being said, I will now discuss my latest technology adventure – Twitter. Nathan convinced me that if I'm going to have a blog, I must have a Twitter, so I set one up. I don't quite get it yet. I'm pretty sure I now grasp the concept of a “hashtag,” although I can't say I fully agree with it. But, I'm still not sure how I'm supposed to pick from a pool of millions of strangers to follow. Actually, the idea kind of makes me feel like a stalker. Although, I do like the idea of strangers following me. (On Twitter, not in real life.)

Funny, as I was just sitting here pondering how to get my Twitter-ball rolling, Nathan emerged from the basement with what sounded like an ingenious scheme to make me renowned Twitter-wide. I didn't really understand it, but that's okay because I rely on him for all my technology needs anyway. It's like always having a grandson around to program your VCR when you need one. Or your fancy-schmancy DVD blue ray thingies...

So, if you're a twit (one who uses Twitter) too, you can come find me on Twitter, and I'll be your Twitter friend. Or we can follow each other, or be twitter-pated, or whatever it is we do on there. My Twitter-handle is FromTheMundane. Catchy, huh?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Why Blog? Why Now?

Why blog? Because I have ideas, that's why. Lots of 'em. I am constantly jotting my thoughts down on post-it notes or whatever other little scraps of paper I can get my hands on. Whenever I open up my purse, clouds of half-folded post-it notes fly out like spring-loaded snakes from a prankster's peanut can. I need a place to chronicle all theses little gems of wisdom. I plan to transfer some of these thoughts, which include my opinions on various topics and observations of everyday life, to a blog. (It's such a funny-sounding word, “blog.”) Oh, and lists! Expect to see many lists on my blog. I love lists, all kinds, perhaps to an unhealthy degree.

I am not exactly a stranger to blogging. I had a blog once upon a time, but it was on MySpace if that gives you any idea of how long ago it's been. In fact, it has been so long since I've blogged that as I was recently reading through entries from my previous blog, “Amber: The Woman, the Legend, the Blog,” it seemed as if I was reading the writings of someone else, and I began thinking to myself, Oh, that is so true!...Boy, can I identify!...Preach it, girlfriend!... Then, I remembered that I was the author, and I just felt stupid.

Well, anyway, now I'm back on the blogwagon. Back in the saddle, if you will. Yee-haw!