Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Redemption Verse

A blog of such a typically jocose nature tends to go by the wayside in its author’s difficult times. However, I would like resume the whimsical blogging I have enjoyed in the past, so I will transition back to Blog Land with this little verse I wrote recently (and after that, it’s no more Mr. Melancholy-Guy)…

Spared from the strike of uncounted stones cast recklessly from the shadows,[1]
I alone am left standing in the midst. [2]
Not one of us can read the writing on the ground,[3]
And my own eyes are full of dust. [4]
But with all things possible,[5]
I remarkably and gracefully become as the tree,[6]
Cut down – unquestionably, [7]
But to sprout again with capable braches anew. [8]

[1] John 8:7
[2] John 8:3,9
[3] John 8:6,8
[4] Matt. 7:3-5
[5] Matt. 19:26; Mark 9:23, 10:27; Phil. 4:13
[6] Job 14:7
[7] Matt. 3:10, 7:19; Luke 3:9
[8] Job 14:7, Matt. 7:17-8; Luke 6:43-4