“What’ve you been up to?” This question always makes me feel
like I’ve been put on the spot. When asked, I usually answer by saying
something like, “Oh, same old, same old, you know…working.” The inquiry tends to emerge when I encounter
someone I haven’t seen in a while. (And I, too, am a frequent asker of this
spot-putting-on question when I happen upon an infrequently-encountered
friend.) I feel that I haven’t seen you in quite some time, Reader, and so I predict
the question will inevitably soon come up. So, I’ll just go ahead and volunteer
the information. Here is an update of my most recent goings-on…
For the most part, I’ve been busier than a one-legged man in
a butt-kicking contest! I’ve been up to my eyeballs with my work as of late. When
I’m not working, I generally keep myself pretty busy doing things like throwing
wild, extravagant parties, finally finishing the kitchen remodel I started over
a year ago, trying to lose the 20 pounds that have found me over the last year
(I keep trying to give them the slip!), or engaging in one of my 42 hobbies
(See previous entry - Holly Hobby). I’ve also especially been focusing on my
musical career.
A year ago, I wouldn’t have called myself a musician. In
fact, I’m not certain that I’m allowed to call myself one now, but I guess it
just depends on who you ask. By my definition, if I can understand the basic mechanics
of a musical instrument and can play songs on it, then I am a musician. I
suppose some people might define it as someone who earns income by playing
their instruments, but this isn’t their blog, now is it?
I’ve always wanted to belong to that oh-so-elusive club… “Musicians.”
My family was always a rather musical bunch (and I mean that in a non-flatulent
way), but for most of my life, I didn’t really have the desire to get on board
the soul train, unless you count singing. However, that’s all changed lately. You
might say I’ve turned over a new musical leaf. I started playing harmonica about
a year and a half ago, and I’ve really made some good progress lately (See
previous entry – I Want to Play My Harmonica). But since the beginning of this
year, my main focus has been on my fiddling. It’s too bad you can’t play
harmonica and fiddle at the same time. You’d need one of those harmonica
holders that sits around your neck, but you need your neck to play the fiddle.
I first picked up a fiddle about 3 years ago, but I found it
hard to try to teach myself to play, so my passion for the strings simmered on
the back burner for much of that time. I guess you could say I just sort of
fiddled around with the instrument from time to time. (Get it?? Fiddled?!) This
year, though, I’ve become a dedicated fiddler and have taken lessons and
everything. Now, I’m sawing that thing and playin’ it hot!
Now, I’m no Charlie Daniels or anything by any means. But, I’m on my way. So, if you ever want to play in Texas, give me a call. You’re going to need a fiddle in the band.
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Me n' my Cherokee Fiddle. |